AMA and District 14 Rules
AMA D14 Flat Track Rules for 2024
The rules are a supplement to the AMA Amateur, Semi-Pro & Youth Competition Rulebook/Online Copy. Please pay attention to these rules. They will be strongly enforced for our 2024 D14 Flat Track Series season. Online copy will be the correct copy to follow. Any changes to rules after rule books are printed will always be posted online.
AMA Rules
(Click on the Rule Book to Open)
D14 Rules
Classes recognized by AMA/D14 Flat Track & for which points may be earned are as follows:
0-51cc Pee Wee Production Shaft Drive 4-8 yrs.
0-51cc Production Multi-speed 4-8 yrs.
0-51cc Production Chain 4-8 yrs.
52-65cc 7-11 yrs.
66-85cc 9-15 yrs.
86-250cc Open
249cc+ Open Singles
251-505cc A
251-450cc Sportsman
251cc+ Open Twin
Veteran 30+ years
Senior 45+ years
Masters 60+ years
Vintage 0-400cc (Air Cooled 1988 and older)
Open Vintage 1988 or older (17+ years on a Twin)
Wildcat 80-200cc Novice (Air Cooled 4 Stroke, 12+ years) the club/promoter has discretion for class placement.
Wildcat 80-200cc Intermediate (Air Cooled 4 Stroke, 12+ years) the club/promoter has discretion for class placement.
Open Mini 85-112CC 9-15 yrs. 2 Stroke
3. A promoter or club, at their discretion, may run classes in addition to those listed, but the riders will not earn points in these "additional" or "optional" classes: Combo, Quad and Buddy. If promotor chooses to run a Buddy class it must be separated as Youth (ages 4-11) and Adult (ages 12 & up). AMA/D14 points will be earned in those classes as listed above 1-18 only.
4. Six (6) bikes constitute a class. If less than six bikes sign up for a class, that class need not be run and bikes may be moved up to the next higher class and/or class equivalent. In classes which cannot be combined, the promoter or club may elect not to run any class with three (3) bikes or less. With classes with four (4) bikes but less than six (6), the club or promoter may elect to run only a final race and no heat race.
5. All riders advancing from 86-250 Open MUST ride in the 450 Sportsman class. NO EXCEPTIONS. In order to advance out of the Sportsman class, a rider must finish in the top 20% of points qualifying riders or win 3 races in a season. If a rider accumulates 3 wins in D14, 450 Sportsman in a season, he/she has the option to advance out of the Sportsman class before the end of the season. Sportsman riders cannot enter the 450A or Combo classes. If you go out of state and self-advanced to ride “ A “ class, returning to your district you must ride “A”. The club/promoter has discretion for class placement for safety concerns.
6. Open Vintage 1988 or older, Single Cylinder 2 or 4 valve, Twin Cylinder 2 or 4 valve. Any 2 stroke Must be period correct, twin shock frame, or period correct single shock frame. (Note: See AMA Rule Book for 1980’s Vintage 750 CC for proper single shock frame type.) Must be a minimum of 17 years old to ride a Twin.
7. A CRF150r will be placed in the 86-250 Open class and the rider must be a minimum of 12 years old.
8. TTR230, TTR225, CRF230 can be ridden in the wildcat class and must be stock.
9. Any rider holding a current professional racing license shall not be permitted to enter an age class (30+, 45+ and 60+)at amateur competition. Licensed riders may not enter the 450 Sportsman or Open Singles classes.
10. Mini Electric motorcycles may be run as an exhibition class. If the referee chooses, they can combine with the 0-51cc Chain class but must be scored separately.
11. No racer under the age of 16 will be allowed to race or passenger any sidecar. All age to displacement rules will still apply.
12. Combo Class (non-points paying) 249CC+, MINIMUM OF 15 YEARS+, and must be an A rider, Pro-sport, Pro-Expert or GNC rider. A minimum pay out of 75% of sign-up and pay 50% of the riders in the Main Event (non-points paying money class) shall be given.
13. Buddy Class (non-points paying) 0-140CC air cooled 4 stroke. If running a bike in the buddy class, kickstands must be removed.
14. Quad classes may be run as exhibition classes only.
15. Wildcat class will be offered as Novice (beginner) and Intermediate (advanced) with the club/promoter having discretion for class placement.
It is mandatory that all promoters/ clubs verify District 14 and AMA cards are present and in current standing, prior to allowing signing up for any class. Any rider not in possession of a current District 14 card or proof of membership will be required to sign-up again. No points will be earned for any race that the rider competed in where the membership was not current. NO EXCEPTIONS.
17. TT, Short track and Half Mile Points will be figured out as follows:
1st-20pts, 2nd-15pts, 3rd-10pts, 4th-8pts, 5th-6pts, 6th-5pts, 7th-4pts, 8th-3pts, 9th-2pts, 10th-1pt. DNS 0pts
DNF 0-1pt- please see rule 18.
18. A rider who makes the final and crashes or does not finish the race will receive one point as a DNF. However, in the event where there are more than 10 riders zero points will be awarded if a rider crashed or does not finish the race.
19. Tie-Break: In the event of a tie for the Points Championship, the winner will be determined based on the number of main event wins in the series. Should it still be a tie, finishes of second, third, etc. will be tallied until the tie is broken. If a tie remains, the best finish in the last race will determine the champion.
20. D14 RACE POINTS WILL BE AWARDED FOR D14 EVENTS ONLY. The only exception is if the Flat Track & TT Scramble Amateur Grand National Championship and/or Regional National races are run on the same date as a District 14 race of same type of event, then and only then, will the National/Regional event count for District 14 points. It will be counted from the actual finishing spot. However, it is up to the rider to keep track of the position he finished, then it must be submitted within 3 weeks after the event. The chairperson will have it certified from the hosting club/or promoter that it is accurate.
21. To receive Amateur AMA/D14 points a rider must:
Use the last two digits of their D14 or AMA number with the first letter of their last name (letter optional). Example: John Doe’s D14 or AMA number is 1234; John Doe will run the number 34D.). If both riders in the same class are using the same number (one using the last 2 digits of his AMA and the other D14), the rider having had their number the longest shall use that number. The other rider will add the first letter of their last name to their number.
Use the number they earned in AMA/D14 competition.
Use the number they earned in AMA National Competition with an "N" after it.
All machines must be equipped with three number plates. See Rule 25.
22. Use of riding numbers 1 through 10 will be granted to the top 10 riders in AMA/D14 Dirt Track Competition according to overall points earned the previous year. NO RIDER IS ALLOWED TO USE #1 UNLESS THEY EARNED IT THE PREVIOUS YEAR.
23. A number 1 plate will be awarded to each high point rider in each class of each division (Short Track, Half Mile and TT) at the end of the season. An overall number 1 plate will be awarded to a rider who has earned the most points in that class that include all divisions (Short Track, Half Mile, TT). A rider must compete in a minimum of 50% of the races to be eligible for overall year-end awards only. In order for awards to be given more than 2 races for the season must be ran.
24. The Overall Champion in each class will be the ONLY rider allowed to use the #1 on the bike in the same class for the next year.
25. Number Plates:
Bike must be equipped with 3 plates of uniform size shape and must be a gloss or matte solid black ona gloss or matte solid white background.
Numbers must be at least 5-inch-high standard block letters; numbers must NOT be shaded or outlined.
Lettering must have a professional appearance.
AMA national numbers will take precedence in all events, and will be designated by a 3-inch letter N (such as 1N).
50cc classes are required to use 8x10 front and side number plates, with5” numbers.
For scoring purposes, a rider will be asked to alter his/her number plates to improve visibility. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.
Four Wheeler's must be equipped with vertical number plates on rear grab bar of quad.
0-65cc classes will not be allowed to start a final race after 10pm. The promoter / club must plan accordingly to schedule these races earlier in the program. In the event that no finals start prior to 10 pm, at the referee’s discretion, he/she may ask for a majority vote amongst guardians to race the final or use the results of the heat/qualifier races for scoring.
27. A referee cannot referee a class that an underage family member is participating in. An assistant referee will be appointed for that class. A club member / promoter cannot set the heat / qualifying race line-ups (when more than one is required) of a class in which a family member is participating. The referee or a District 14 representative must be present when the heat/ qualifier race line-ups are set.
28. At a D14 race, the head starter/referee/club-promoter, before practice/riders meeting, will go over what every flag and what its colors mean. The head starter/referee/club-promoter shall have schooling or instructions for corner flagmen. This is to make flagmen familiar with all the flags and their meaning and to be supplied with appropriate flags and means of communicating with the head starter and/or referee. In addition, they shall coordinate with emergency personnel, at the appropriate times, for emergency vehicles to enter the racetrack.
29. Unless otherwise advertised, practice will start two hours before race time and go through two complete sessions. It then stops and a riders meeting conducted, and time permitting, late practices will be given. In case of lost time or delay by some unforeseen reason, the referee may shorten practice.
30. Any rider abusing the practice system by taking more than two practice sessions per bike/quad (not class)shall start from the penalty line in all races for that day. Repeated offenses will result in escalated punishment by club/promoter discretion.
31. In the case of a rider falling during practice or a race, ONLY TRACK OFFICIALS AND EMERGENCY PERSONNEL ARE ALLOWED ON THE TRACK. When it is determined safe to enter the track, a track official can give authorization for entry. Any person not adhering to this rule may be removed from the premises and that rider may be disqualified for the day. Repeated non-compliance to this rule may lead to expulsion for the year pending decision by District 14 and AMA.
32. Practice order must be posted at all D14 races. A practice sticker must be displayed on front number plate and will be marked per practice.
Any open weekend from May thru Oct may be ran as a rain date.
34. Any entrant removing a track banner without authorization of track officials, shall be penalized a minimum of 20 District points and up to complete removal of all D14 points for the entire season, penalty determined by the D-14 board.
35. No profanity may be displayed on motorcycle.
36. Each club and promoter will pay the sum of five dollars ($5.00)per rider signed up in each class at each of any D14 points paying event and all half mile, short track, and TT will be qualifiers and the sum of five dollars and fifty cents ($5.50) per rider signed up in each class at the State Championships. These should be collected and sent to the D14 Flat Track Chairperson, with their D14 referees report and race results report no later than 2 weeks after each event. Race results must be legible, identify the D14 recognized classes, include the rider’s name per D14 membership and include at least the last 4 digits of D14 membership number; results must be sent to the D14 Points Keeper and AMA within 7 days of the race event.
Only one event in each type of competition, Short Track, Half Mile or TT will be designated the District 14 State Championship event of the year. It is not necessary to have a State Championship in each event.
38. An event that is designated the District 14 State Championship event of the year, must run all the AMA/D14 designated classes.
39. A promoter or club who is awarded a D14 Championship event must advertise it in order to inform every D14 rider and to get maximum spectator attendance. All advertisements are subject to D14 rules.
40. At State Championship races the minimum places that will receive awards will be up to 4th place unless otherwise stated. Trophies are to be of championship quality, not a standard plaque
41. State Championship Races – The top 6 riders in points in each class will be locked into the front row starting position. The 7th-12th riders will have to qualify for a back-row position if there are more than 12 riders. Points will still determine line pick for your semi. A rider must have participated in 2 main events of each discipline in order to be eligible to enter state championship in that discipline. It the case a discipline has less than 3 events, a rider must participate in at least 1.
42. The District 14 State Championships for classes 65cc and up will be at least 10 laps with no more than 15 laps, unless other circumstances come about such as darkness, accidents, weather, etc. Then laps will be determined by rider rep, referee, and club/promoter. The 50cc classes, laps will be determined by promoter.